Heritage Valley District Park

The Heritage Valley District Park project comprises site facilities developed from public feedback, including sports fields, trails, classrooms, a skate park, playgrounds, and family areas. The park’s design was based on the City of Edmonton’s Neighborhood Design Report and the subdivision design documents.

Al-Terra played a key role in the integration of two school projects in District Park. As engineer of record for Dr. Anne Anderson Public High School on the east end of the park and as the bridging consultant for the Catholic high school on the northwest end of the park.

Engaging with the relevant city departments at an early stage allowed for the team to receive necessary support for innovation. The project team prioritized adaptability and contingency planning as the adjacent infrastructure was not yet designed or installed. Therefore, the team had to design for various levels of infrastructure readiness while ensuring alignment with the overall project schedule.

This project was one of the first projects to utilize public engagement during COVID. Our team quickly pivoted to use on-line tools for this process. Which at the time was an innovative solution for City projects. Despite coordinating design of the District Park with the roadways some parts of the park were opened before the land development project was completed. This caused a delay in the installation of permanent service connections. Al-Terra’s team conducted additional drainage analysis, reviewed the operations and designed a pumping strategy to address this issue.