Hospital District Rehabilitation

The Hospital District rehabilitation in Leduc was conducted through Leduc’s Capital Road program. The project consisted of a full surface rehabilitation of collector and local roadways which included deep utility repair, maintenance, and upsizing. The project was nested in a high-profile area that consisted of the of the Leduc Community Hospital, Public Services Building, Community Health Centre, and Leduc’s newly developing commercial area. The area is adjacent to the Royal Canadian Mountain Police station, École Leduc Junior High School, and Leduc Composite High School.

Al-Terra completed design and contract administration in 2021 and 2022, respectively. The project included a variety of elements including in situ rehabilitation techniques, full depth reconstruction, mill and overlay, curb extensions for traffic calming and short-cutting, site servicing, addition of missing links, temporary access construction for hospital routing, and detailed phasing and coordination to execute the work. The project was successfully completed in one construction season while maintaining full access to all adjacent facilities.