McLeod Avenue Roundabout

The City of Spruce Grove retained us to complete planning, detailed design, tender, construction management (including survey), through to final delivery and acceptance for the roundabout constructed at the intersection of McLeod Avenue and Nelson Drive. The need for improvement was identified from increased traffic through the intersection, long queue lengths and unsafe driver behaviours. The intersection was converted from an existing 4-lane 4-way stop controlled intersection to a 1-lane, hybrid 2-lane roundabout which significantly reduced traffic congestion while providing a functionally safe and aesthetic solution.

The project was carefully designed to tie into much of the existing infrastructure and grades. Pedestrian facilities were realigned and additional connections made. The roundabout was designed using and modifying existing storm infrastructure to provide site drainage while maintaining overland flow routes.

As part of a commitment to the City of Spruce Grove and the community, the project was staged to complete all construction works with no full closures, providing access in all directions throughout the course of construction. One major success of the project was the achievement of minimizing traffic impact and pedestrian disruption.

Substantial public engagement was required in order to receive City of Spruce Grove Council and community approval for the implementation of an urban roundabout intersection design. Accident severity has substantially decreased and traffic flow has improved considerably since project completion.

This project was completed on schedule and under budget.