Rampart Industrial Subdivision

Al-Terra alongside a team of sub-consultants, was retained by the City of Edmonton to provide engineering design and contract administration services for this 130 hectare (ha) industrial development in northwest Edmonton. The project offered an exciting opportunity to develop an “Eco-Industrial Park” as Stage 1 of the development included preservation of a large natural area for dedication to the Crown. This land dedication set the tone of the development; the 8 ha naturalized wetland constructed for the storm water management facility is adjacent to the natural area and linked to a woodland park at the west side of Stage 1 through a naturally vegetated ditch (bioswale) which also treats overland surface flows from two of the industrial parcels. Future stage development will accommodate the northwest LRT extension along 153 Avenue. 

This development by the City of Edmonton has generated significant interest in the market due to its close proximity to major transportation corridors. Stage 2 was completed in 2012, Stage 4 was completed in 2017, and subsequent stages anticipated in the coming years.