Edson and Yellowhead Counties: Intermunicipal Development Plan

This project included a detailed review of existing Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) documents as well as the new Municipal Government Act policies affecting IDPs. Al-Terra and Lovatt Planning prepared a joint proposal and partnered on this project. The project involved coordination with a large steering committee representing both municipalities, public consultation and events hosting, drafting, and revising the IDP document, and managing the project through Council approval in both participating municipalities.

Al-Terra provided the transportation and utility system reviews required to develop the IDP policies and mapping requirements for future growth areas. This included reviewing relevant municipal studies and provincial highway plans and summarizing the information into a background research report.

Additionally, Al-Terra provided mapping and conducted public consultation services, as well as jointly authoring the policies in the IDP document with Lovatt Planning Consultants. Concerned residents were very active in the IDP creation. Their valuable input was incorporated into the final document. All readings of the IDP were approved by both Councils unanimously.