Pioneer Road

Al-Terra completed a Functional Planning Study for upgrades to Pioneer Road between Highway 16A and Grove Drive. The road is a designated north-south arterial road and connects to Highway 16A in the south (no direct access in the north). Projected traffic volumes for the roadway serving residential developments in east Spruce Grove were considerably lower than other arterial roads in the City.

A traffic analysis was conducted to compare conventional and roundabout intersections based on long-term projected traffic. Projections were based on the City’s transportation model and Traffic Impact Assessments for adjacent areas, which projected higher traffic volumes for Pioneer Road. These volumes were analyzed to ensure robust intersection design.

Al-Terra’s plan recommended five roundabout intersections for this 2000 m length of arterial road. An extensive online public engagement process was undertaken utilizing tools such as social media and video animation to inform the public and obtain feedback. The plan was considered innovative as it achieved sustainability while improving operations resulting in lower construction costs overall.

Al-Terra provided design and construction management services for the corridor including detailed horizontal and vertical geometrics, crossing agreements, liaisons with adjacent landowners and their consultants to address access requirements, servicing issues, franchise utility requirements, a stormwater drainage plan including the outlet into Atim Creek, and an implementable traffic accommodation strategy.